Thursday, December 23, 2004

Lost in Translation

Every once in a while Rhianwen does something just so cute and funny that it has to be shared. Get used to it - I like talking about my kid.

So the other night she was really tired and was getting goofy. She ended up running around in a small little circle, giggling, while my husband and I were trying to eat dinner. After we finished, I got up to get her room ready to put her to bed and my husband was going to entertain her some. Now... he's of the firm belief that if you want to get a kid to bed without a fuss, you should wear them out. I try to explain that it just winds her up more, but he won't listen and so he decided to encourage her to run around some more. "Spin in a circle, Rhianwen" I hear him tell her.

Well... she thought he told her to spit in a circle because obediant child that she is, she waved her hand in a circle and started spitting.


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