Saturday, December 25, 2004

Dear Santa

Dear Santa,

It's 11:30 on Christmas Eve night and you've just left out house to go leave presents for more children. It was so good to see you again last night after all these years! It's a shame you didn't arrive a little bit earlier, though. Rhianwen stayed up 3 hours past her bedtime in hopes of seeing you. She finally gave up and decided that she would have to leave the milk and cookies for you. We'd just gotten her to bed and she'd just drifted off to sleep when we heard your sleigh land on the roof. I hope you liked the cookies. We had 3 of them, but decided that Rhianwen really should try one to make sure they were good enough to leave out for you.

Thank you for the wonderful presents you left for Rhianwen. I know that she will love the little table and chairs you brought her. Since I was already in the kitchen washing dishes, it really wasn't a big deal to was every single piece of the 40 piece tea set you brought for her, either. And I know my husband didn't mind helping you assemble the little play kitchen as I washed the plastic dishes. Looking over all the toys now - all set up to greet Rhianwen when she wakes up - I think the three of us make a pretty good team!

As you know, this is Rhianwen's third Christmas, but it's the first one that she really understood what was going on. She's been so excited about it - not just getting presents, but listening to holiday music, seeing all the pretty lights on the houses, and giving presents. She'd been so excited the past few days since we showed her the present for the cats - she was very very careful to keep it a secret from them. You should have seen her face light up when we finally let her give the cats thier treats and catnip!

So... everything is shaping up to be a wonderful Christmas.

Thank you!


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