Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Past Wisdom

With BabyQuest well underway and my hormones as screwy as a bunch of squirrels trying to Tango, it's safe to say that I have been ONE MOODY WENCH. Unfortunately, my husband has to take the brunt of my moods and is a frequent target for my irrational ire. Looking through old files on my computer, I found this. It helped me to realize just what I've got and figured I'd go ahead and share it with whomever happens to read this stuff.

True Love

He didn’t say anything as I clomped up the stairs and limped passed him to the bathroom. He didn’t say anything as I fumbled in the medicine cabinet for the Tylenol. With as much dignity as I could muster, I hobbled back out to the kitchen to get a glass of water. He didn’t look up from his laptop on the table as he quietly asked, “did you break anything?”

Trying to stand straight and tall on one foot, head held high, I calmly replied “I think perhaps my toe.”

“What did you kick?” he queried.

“The door.” I limped to the pantry and got a plastic baggie and filled it with ice.

“Is the door broken?” I assured him it was fine. “Sounded awfully loud up here,” he commented, continuing his work.

“That was probably the book I threw at the wall.” I assured him that the Shadowbane manual did not put a hole in the computer room wall. Taking my baggie of ice, I hobbled into the bedroom to lay down and prop my throbbing foot up on some pillows. Deciding it was nearly impossible to maintain any semblance of dignity with a towel-wrapped baggie of ice on my foot, I gave in to the frustration and pain and started to cry.

He came into the room then. He could have stood there and lectured me about controlling my temper. He could have chided me for my childish outburst. He could have teased me and told me that I got what I deserved.

What he did was curl up in bed next to me and hug me.


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