Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Checking in - Checking up

ok - I know it has been forever since I've updated. With the weather turning nice, we are called to the backyard and LOTS of work to be done back there. Add to that the growing baby making it hard to breath if I do anything more strenuous than, say, sit in bed with my feet propped up getting a foot massage (hey - I can dream!).... anyways.... there's been some things I've *meant* to post, but either didn't have the energy to do so or didn't have the time until after I forgot what I wanted to post.

But yes, I am still here!

Getting ready for the next doctor visit tomorrow - first one since my surgery and I'm eager to hear the heartbeat again. I should also get the results of the various blood tests that were done before and expect I'll be sent for even more later on. This visit is also he one where we'll start to make arrangements for some ultra-sensitive sonograms which will help determine if the baby has and birth defects. I'm a bit stressed because it doesn't look like the hubinator will be going with me to this one.

Also coming up is Rhi's regular doctor check up. She's a bit more aware of things now than she was at her last doctor visit, so I've been telling her about the check up and what to expect. To add to it, one of the cartoons she watched this morning on PBS had little kids going to the doctor for a check-up and showed all the things the doctor checks. Since then she has spent the entire day bringing various toys up to me to check my ears, my legs, my arms.... if I have to say "ahhhh" one more time I think I'll scream.

At least she isn't afraid of going!


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