Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Playing the Game

It started like any typical day - I saw the hubinator off to work, got Rhi her breakfast, then herded her into her room to play while I hopped in the shower. Soon we were off to do the grocery shopping. I popped a CD into the stereo and backed out of the driveway.

About a mile down the road I was crying like a baby. The song "Coming Around Again" by Carly Simon was playing. I'd heard the song countless times before - would sing along with it every time - but today it hit me like a ton of bricks. Today I heard in the song all the trials and heartache, all the ups and downs, that can either tear apart or strengthen a relationship.

Tomorrow my husband and I will celebrate our 9th anniversary. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to say that those 9 years have been a wonderful dream? But "perfect" marriages are just that - dreams. The past 9 years my husband and I have both endured with - and inflicted upon - each other incredible pain and frustration. At one point we nearly called it quits but the two of us are both so damned stubborn we stuck with it and rebuilt the relationship.

"I believe in love
What else can I do?
I'm so in love with you"

This is what had me in tears (and has my vision blurring now, several hours later). Since we rebuilt our relationship one thought is always at the back of my mind - even in our worst arguments: I love this man. So even when I want to pull my hair out and scream because I'm so angry, there is still a sort of peace of mind knowing that things will eventually work out - they just have to - because we are in love.

Coming Around Again - by Carly Simon

Baby sneezes
Mommy pleases
Daddy breezes in
So good on paper
So romantic
But so bewildering

I know nothing stays the same
But if you’re willing to play the game
It’s coming around again
So don’t mind if I fall apart
There’s more room in a broken heart

You pay the grocer
Fix the toaster
Kiss the host good-bye
Then you break a window
Burn the soufflé
Scream the lullaby

I know nothing stays the same
But if you’re willing to play the game
It’s coming around again
So don’t mind if I fall apart
There’s more room in a broken heart

And I believe in love
But what else can I do
I’m so in love with you

I know nothing stays the same
But if you’re willing to play the game
It’s coming around again


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