Saturday, January 22, 2005

Making Lemonade

"When life gives you lemons, make lemonade."

6:15 this morning I woke up. Let me clarify this... 6:15 on a SATURDAY morning when the rugrat was still asleep and neither my husband nor I had obligations to get us out of bed, I woke up. I lay in bed fidgeting for a while before I finally gave in and went to do the pregnancy test.

It was negative.

Returning to bed, I was pretty surprised with myself. While I so desperately want to have another child, this result didn't bring tears to my eyes the way pasts negatives have. Oh, I've told myself countless times before not to get my hopes up (doesn't work). I've reminded myself that even couples without fertility problems can take 6 months of trying before they get pregnant (also doesn't help much). So what makes this time different?


I still have hope that I will eventually get pregnant. I have hope that Rhianwen will have a little brother or sister (or more!)

So instead of looking at this as a failed attempt, I'm viewing it as an opportunity. I'm viewing it as a chance to get myself, my house, and my daughter better prepared for the changes that will come with pregnancy and a new baby.

For the first time since we started BabyQuest 2005, I'm looking at it all with joy and hope instead of worry about if it will ever happen.

I like my lemonade warm and spiced with cinamon and clove


At 12:19 AM, Blogger Scone said...

Here's another difference (and one I noticed when I was in that situation): you've been through pregnancy, childbirth, and the whole "newborn" ("I think I'm gonna die") phase. So while you still want another child, part of your mind now says, "You know, I can wait."

At 5:21 PM, Blogger Scone said...

Oh dear; I left a lovely poignant comment yesterday and it seems to have completely disappeared. It boiled down to this: the main difference this time is experience. But good luck to you in your latest quest. :)

At 5:22 PM, Blogger Scone said...

Oh, and now it shows up. La la la.


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